Saturday, July 24, 2010

Medical Tort Reform Needed

Fear of Lawsuits May Prompt Some Doctors to Overprescribe Antibiotics, is a Science Daily article which states the following:

ScienceDaily (2009-12-20) -- Investigators surveyed 162 health-care providers to determine whether medical liability concerns were as important as antibiotic cost and formulary restrictions in selecting treatment regimens. They found a strong correlation between the prevalence of methicillin resistance and density of attorneys in countries in Europe and North America.

Our skewed tort system is literally killing some of us. A physician's mindset should be singularly devoted to patient care. The Hippocratic Oath has been taken seriously for centuries and has withstood challenges. But the challenge to a physician's income may be the most devastating challenge of all. Defenders of the status quo with respect to our tort system argue that it's about justice. I agree but find the blindness of the other side tragic. Deep pockets rather than culpability too often determines where a case ends up. That's not justice we're seeing but greed.
