Friday, June 20, 2008

A Health Information Resource

John Hopkins Health Alerts can be a source of useful information about various health issues. This link is focused on arthritis. Within it are links to a number of sub-topics.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sleep Needs

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? is a linked article whose subject matter is self-explanatory. Here is a bullet style summary of some points made:

* There appears to be a correlation between life longevity and sleeping time with those living longest being those who sleep between six and a half and seven and a half hours per night.

* Less than six and a half and more than eight hours puts one in risk categories.

* Sleeping too much can be harmful to one's health.

* Staying in bed worrying about not falling asleep is not good and less time in bed can aid in allowing for sounder sleep.
