Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Effects of Mitochondrial Mutations

Malfunctioning Mitochondria May Cause Heart Disease, an article appearing in Wired, cites a study whose results were published in Science. Researchers altered a gene found in mitochondria of mice and in so doing discovered that the hearts of affected mice quickly degraded and and lost function. They believe this is evidence of a causal connection between heart disease and impairment of mitochondrial DNA which normally would be induced naturally through the ageing process.

ATP, a molecule essential to the transmission of energy in cellular processes, is generated within organelles called mitochondria. Mitochondria also contain DNA having only seventeen genes in humans. Yet despite the small number of genes vital functions are compromised by mutations impairing coding capacities.

The study in question correlates heart disease to high rates of mitochondrial mutations. But effects of mutations may not be limited to heart disease. Other diseases associated with ageing such as diabetes and Alzheimer's and even cancer may be traced to mutations found in the mitochondrial genome.

Can damage to mitochondrial genes be limited? Possibly. A compound known as resveratrol has been found to prevent diabetes in mice and may help humans as well.



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