Friday, May 02, 2008

Benefits of Garlic

The Science Daily article titled Garlic Boosts Hydrogen Sulfide To Relax Arteries, reveals benefits that come from eating garlic. The article notes that a paper about the cited research was published in PNAS.

Data obtained from research involving rats indicates that garlic compounds interact with red blod cells. This leads to the release of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which in turn enables blood vessels to relax. This effect makes garlic a defense against high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The benefits are linked to the amount of hydrogen sulfide produced. The freeing up of hydrogen sulfide within cells has been linked to substances known as polysulfides found in garlic. Specifically acted on are smooth muscle cells which hydrogen sulfide induces to relax through cellular membrane channels.

Polysulfides from garlic increase the production of hydrogen sulfide within our bodies which then leads to enhanced protection of our cardiovascular systems.



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